CONTRACT: 5skhkwr82mk54gyfacpaktubqeuayv7uvatbep3n6rhm

The Most Powerful AI is Here!

Witness the incredible power of Grok 3 – the ultimate intelligence behind GrokRunner. Experience it now!

This game was developed using Grok 3 in one request based on the following prompt:
I want you to create a 3D endless runner game called "Grok Runner" using Three.js, fully functional in a browser without installation, optimized for both PC and mobile devices, and integrated into my `index.html` as a block within my website, not a full-page game, with a neon aesthetic throughout. The game should feature a player that automatically runs forward on a neon road with a grid texture (dark blue base with cyan glowing lines, no grass), avoiding randomly spawned tetrahedron obstacles with varied neon colors and collecting glowing yellow icosahedron bonuses, using A/D keys to move between three lanes (-3, 0, 3) and W/Space to jump on PC, and swipes (left/right for lanes, up for jump) on mobile with a shorter swipe distance like 15 pixels for quick response, all rendered at 60 FPS with low-poly graphics for performance. The player should be a neon cyan sphere with a glowing halo and point light, casting soft shadows enabled by PCFSoftShadowMap, with smooth lane transitions (sine-based animation), spinning jumps, and a subtle running sway. The interface should include a score, high score (saved in localStorage), and lives (starting at 3), displayed in the top-left corner with neon text, a "Start" button on a neon-themed start screen with controls (A/D, W/Space or swipe) and rules ("Dodge obstacles, collect bonuses, and survive!"), a "Restart" button on a "Game Over" screen, and a "Pause" button (top-right, orange gradient) to pause/resume gameplay, all buttons working on both PC and mobile via click and touchstart events. The game block should be responsive (100% width, max-width 1000px, height 400px, max-height 80vh) with a dark blue background (#000022) matching the scene, centered with proper margins, no white patches, and box-sizing: border-box to avoid clipping. Scrolling should be enabled over the game window by default (touch-action: auto, overflow: auto) and when paused, but disabled (touch-action: none, overflow: hidden) during active play, with pause/resume toggling this correctly and resuming the animation loop seamlessly. The game should lose a life on obstacle collision with a 2-second invincibility blink, ending at 0 lives, and integrate into my `index.html` with separate `grok_runner.js` and `grok_runner.css` files, initialized via `initGrokRunner('game-container')` in a `div id="game-container"`, ensuring A/D keys work consistently with focus handling (focus on start, restart, resume, and click), and all text in English. The final files should be `index.html`, `grok_runner.js`, and `grok_runner.css`, ready to run without additional tweaks.